Training & Education
The Reboot Social Media Lab at the TUM Think Tank will be hosting a workshop series for students between age 14 and 19 as part of the Transatlantic Innovation Week 2023 – “Creativity Unbound”.
The XR HUB Bavaria offers a workshop in this context.
More information about other workshops can be found here.
WORKSHOP Virtual Cities of the Future
Workshop time: 2.00-6.00 pm
The XR HUB Bavaria will give an introduction into different social VR platforms with a focus on an open source software Mozilla HUBs/Spoke and will show a number of examples for different purposes (Exhibitions, showrooms, party, education etc.). Participants will have the opportunity to meet up in these spaces virtually.
In the practical part participants will first develop ideas for a city of the future and in a second step will implement their ideas with 3D tools like tinkercad (, Blender if participant have experience with that software or Minecraft.
Finally, the projects will be made accessible in virtual reality and participants can experience the results of the workshop together.
Participants are asked to bring their own laptops and VR Headsets if available.
The XR HUB Bavaria will also provide VR Headsets.
The Workshop will be in German or bilingual (English/German) depending on the participants.
If you are interested in participating, you can register here.